Why this course

This course will teach you many trading aspects that will improve your skills and help you to trade the financial markets.

  • Our course cover all trading aspects, from the easiest to the advanced ones.

  • It's for all kind of people, from beginners to people that have some knowledge.

  • We teach you how to use trading platforms, trading tools and of course how to analyze the markets (from technical and fundamental points of view), so you don't need to any experience, we'll teach you everything.

  • Trading strategies

    Don't have a trading strategy? No worries, in this course you'll find many things that will help you to build your own strategy. Also, if you're struggling building your strategy there's no problem because we explain some trading strategies that will help you.

  • No bullshit content

    You'll find that we don't share fake promises as others do, we show the reality of this domain. A reality that many people don't want to believe, they are blinded of the fancy pictures they see on social media.

  • You'll save money and...

    This course is saving you a lot of time finding and learning all the things that are inside it and of course, if you are a disciplined person and follow all the aspects that we explain in this course you'll get the knowledge that will save you money by not blowing up your account.

  • Downloadable resources

    The course contains downloadable files that are good to have.

  • Interactive quizzes

    Test your trading knowledge with our interactive quizzes. Learn and relearn.

  • Develop your strategy

    With our resources and information that we provide you can build your own srategy, a trading plan, a tradin routine and most important, a good trading mindset.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Brief Introduction

    • Brief Introduction 2

  2. 2
    • Trading Patterns

  3. 3
    • News

  4. 4
    • FOMO

  5. 5
    • Trade 1

    • ff

Key levels

Focus on key levels in a market and remove the clutter and confusion that so many trading strategies are full of.

Trading Indicators

Beside price action we also teach how to use the most effective trading indicators. You can use your knowledge and risk appetite as a measure to decide which of these trading indicators best suit your strategy.

We focus to offer you the best information out there

Besides other trading courses, AAT Trading Academy is designed to offer you the best knowledge in the best way. After each lesson, there are quizzes for you to take to test your knowledge. The course has a module where we explain real trades for you to see the methodology behind them. We focus to teach all kind of aspects that a trader need to know to analyze the charts, not only the basic things.

Trading Psychology

The mindset you have is the key to success. You can make good analyses but it won’t be enough if you are emotional when you trade. Personal feelings and emotions impact traders decisions. Sometimes it can be helpful, but usually bringing emotion into trading is a bad idea.

The language of the market

Learn how to read the candlesticks and how to interpret the future moves. Candlesticks are considered to be a visual representation of what’s going on in the markets. We used to say that candlesticks are telling a story and we as traders need to have the ability to understand, visualize and use that story in our own benefit.

Build your strategy

With our tools you'll be able to create your own strategy, a trading routine, you’ll know how to plan your trades and most importantly, you’ll build a strong mindset.

Frequently asked questions

  • Is trading for everyone?

    Our concept is that trading suits the best for the people who truly love it and understand it. If you are new and came here for the first time and your main idea is “I’ll get rich quick” or “I’ll make tons of money fast” then you’ll probably end to lose a lot of money or an important amount from your capital, just because you your beliefs were that in this domain, everyone can make money. The real persons that are making money by trading are the ones that understand this “game” and its rules and of course, the same people are the ones that have a strong discipline and are financially educated.

  • Can trading provide me wealth?

    Yes and no. The truth is that you probably won’t make money from the first day you start. You’ll need time to build confidence in yourself and experience. A typically problem that we spot is that most of the beginners haven’t yet build confidence in theirself as they may still trade based on their emotions. We recommend you to start with a small capital/an amount of money that you can afford to lose. That way you won’t be emotionally affected by a loss. Many beginners tend to use large % from their capital when they open a position, just because they want to make a huge amount of money, like all we want. The fact is that you don’t have to use big amounts, you’ll build wealth in time, not overnight like everyone expects to do. If you start dreaming about fancy cars, fancy holidays and fancy things you’ll be blinded by this mirage that you can obtain these things overnight.

  • For who is this course?

    We built this course to suits all kind of people, beginners, intermediates ... Also if you’re new in this domain and heard for the first time of what trading is, we recommend to start with our free course. We designed it to give you the first knowledge you’ll need and to form you and idea of what can you except, from this world where everyone wants to be the next “wolf of wall street”.

  • What can I expect from this course?

    The course will teach you the truth regarding what trading is and what it requires for you to be profitable. Also, you don't need to have any experience because we'll teach you everything, what platforms to use, what brokers to choose and how to trade.

Opinions from members

I've learnt so much

Emily M.

This course helped me understand better all the market’s principles. It has provided me with a gateway to the ins and outs of forex trading. I like the way they are teaching the new potential traders.

For everyone

Michael C.

Everything is well explained. Every beginner should try this course because they explained everything in a manner that anyone can understand. I did get tons of useful experience from the course.

All resources

Harry S.

I’ve tried many trading courses but the value just wasn’t there. In this course the amount of resources available is unmatched but it’s down to you the individual to make it happen, the resources are there so you don’t have any excuse.

Not sure about the Trading Academy?

Start with our free course!

We offer a free course that will give you the first knowledge you need to start trading on the Forex market. This free course is especially build for beginners.